Catherine Shaw

Nutritional Therapist +

Biofield Tuning Practitioner +

Holistic Health & Wellness Coach


My Story & My Approach

Hi, I’m Catherine, a dedicated Holistic Health Practitioner, avid student of the Healing Arts, and lover of living as close to Nature as possible.  I find solace in the wildness of the woodlands and forests that surround me.   My inspiration is owed to the wise Medicine Men & Women that have come before me, and I remain humbled by the brilliance of our body’s healing abilities.  This is my story- and in sharing, my intention is for you to understand the value of making your health a priority, for yourself and the world.

It started from the time I was a young girl. I was in awe of the natural world. Playing in the backyard amongst the plants was enthralling. Mixing muddy water and squished up plants as a toddler and handing it to my parents, begging them to try my “potion” was my pride and joy. As I grew, I found I loved to read about nature, about science…Geology, Biology, Nutrition, Energy Medicine …there was so much to know! I developed a keen interest in medicinal plants after working as a teenager in an Herb/Natural Health shop. I started reading about all kinds of healing modalities. I was hooked, and knew that the Healing Arts were my passion.

What I didn’t know, however, was the health challenges I would face growing up and the profound healing that I’d experience through the wisdom of the healing modalities I learned about and loved.

As a child, I thought that I was fairly healthy- eating standard home cooked meals with canned vegetables, meat, and potatoes being the norm. I was very active as a gymnast, and satisfied my creativity through art & playing music. Sure, I had a few bouts of childhood illness and several rounds of antibiotics, but who among us hasn’t?

However, during my early teenage years, I struggled emotionally and physically with the stresses of navigating life at this age. Many of you can likely relate. Out of desperation to feel in control of my own day to day choices, coupled with the societal pressure that many young women face, I spiraled into a bout of Anorexia that robbed me of the essential nourishment that a growing young woman needs. I became fragile and emaciated.  I lost my period for a year due to lack of nutrition. Though my parents intervened, it was my own fortitude and will to overcome adversity that dragged me out of that dark place. But damage had been done.

Soon after, I chose to embark on a strict vegan diet(excluding all animal products), mainly for ethical reasons. During my 13 years on a strict vegan diet, I developed nutritional deficiencies and my health tanked.

My teeth were rotting out. My digestion was a mess. I could barely stay awake in the afternoons. My periods were a flipping nightmare! My fight or flight response was active 24/7.
Something HAD to CHANGE. I’d wake up in the morning and just wish I had answers, that I could have energy, purpose, and vibrant health. I wanted to feel happy and comfortable in my own body, and in control of my health.

I needed to know why this was happening, what was wrong with me, and get to the root. I was confused about what healthy food really was. Based on various ‘expert’ opinions that were right at my fingertips, I was blindly trying new supplements, playing with dietary changes, and still coming up without answers. I was depleted, but not defeated.

And then, things finally started turning around…I started learning about the nutritional deficiencies that were wreaking havoc on my body, and lifestyle habits that were ruining me. I specifically sought out and began finding practitioners that truly listened and cared about my healing, and learned to start trusting myself and my intuition. I worked on my mindset. I had to know healing was possible, and that I was worth it! Making the commitment to help myself was huge. I was implementing the wisdom I spent so many years learning, and was always taking in and digesting more. The right nutrient dense foods for my body, botanical medicine, ancestral tenants of living, emotional healing, and living in right relationship with other people and the world at large saved me from my misery. Inspired and on a road to better health, I discovered purpose. I furthered my studies in Nutrition and became certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Pieces of the puzzle of vibrant health all started fitting together.

Shortly after, I solidified my ideas of becoming an Energy Healer and studied Biofield Tuning, a Sound Therapy modality and form of energetic medicine that supports the electromagnetic energy field that we as biological creatures all have. This work is Profound, incredibly Magical, Spiritually uplifting, and Soul satisfying! I love the opportunity to work with people in this way.

I will always be a student of the Healing Arts, furthering my knowledge so that I can be of greater service to myself and others. The challenges life presented me were opportunities that have shaped me into the wise woman I am today, with the ability to pass on that wisdom and support to people suffering like I was.

I want you to know that healing is possible. It is absolutely possible and you can feel better. I’d LOVE to help you. I’ve waded through the confusion, done the research, and gained first hand experience so that I can offer answers, resources, and guidance.

My mission is to be of service to people seeking true Healing, to Empower those in my sphere of influence to take control of their health, and to pass on Wisdom that  will inspire people to live their best lives with Vibrant Health.

If you are determined to end your suffering, please get in touch. I’d love to help.
Email me to schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation and let’s get you on the road to vibrant energy so you can look and feel your best!

As a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Nutritionist, Biofield Tuning Practitioner, and Supporter of your Healing Journey, please consinder a conversation with me that could change your life for the better.


My Approach

I love to support health conscious, independent minded people who are determined to end their suffering to discover and address the root causes so they can live each day with Vibrant Energy and Purpose!

I treat each of my clients as the unique individuals they are. We will work together to achieve your desired results. I am here to support you and empower you. Your dedication to seeing this process through will help you succeed.

I infuse holistic health, functional nutrition, and life-changing coaching techniques into my work with you to cultivate true behavior and lifestyle shifts for optimal, Vibrant health.

To better help you understand my process, here are some insights into my holistic approach:


A series of in depth questionnaires,  a food/mood journal, and thorough interviewing will reveal seemingly hidden stressors, and identify opportunities for healing. Based upon my client’s unique health goals, I will dig deep and piece together the puzzle of root causes of imbalance.


Using the information I glean from these tools, I can determine:

*The state of each of the Foundations of Health – Digestion, Mineral Balance, Blood Sugar Regulation, Hydration, Fatty Acids.

*How smooth the Liver and the natural detoxification processes of the body are functioning.

*How stress or mental/emotional/spiritual wellbeing is playing a role.

*How healthy the gut is(or isn’t)!

*What the order of priorities are for your unique healing process and a customized protocol to address these needs.


You don’t have to continue to suffer. Once we dig deep and realize the root causes for your suffering, we can change the trajectory of your life. I know what it is like to be in despair about your health, to not have the correct knowledge, and to feel anxious about what to do to feel better. I utilize this in depth approach with clients because I want you to succeed, as I have, in transforming your health and achieving your goals.

If you are seeking Vibrant Energy and ready to END your suffering, please be in touch. I’d love to share my wisdom with you.

Email Me

Call Me

(386) 479-9019

I have struggled with digestive/gut issues for over 15 years. Before working with Cat, I thought I was eating healthy. I was vegan and gluten free, I was living a fairly active lifestyle, yet I constantly felt bloated, sluggish, and tired. I was about 15 pounds overweight and couldn’t shake it no matter what I tried. I was deficient in many nutrients and was taking so many supplements. I was in pain and discomfort every single day, and I really thought I would be stuck feeling this way forever.

Then I decided to start working with Cat, and she seriously changed my life. She took the time to really dive deep into my struggles and focused on the root causes of my issues. She took my unique needs into account and really listened to me. Cat genuinely cared about helping me to feel better. She made sure I felt comfortable incorporating each of her recommendations and that I didn’t feel overwhelmed with any of them. Cat thoroughly explained why she was recommending each, be it a supplement, dietary change or addition, lifestyle change, etc. She also didn’t overload me with too many changes all at once, and helped me to feel truly supported in my healing journey!

Within the first few weeks of following Cat’s protocols, I was already feeling positive changes. It gave me real hope and motivation to continue putting in the effort to take back control of my health. I have lost 13 lbs. and I have more energy and feel all around better than I ever thought I could! I’m taking fewer supplements and am no longer nutrient deficient. It’s now a rare occurrence for my stomach to feel bloated or in pain.

I have also received a number of biofield tunings from Cat now and she is a truly compassionate and knowledgeable healer. I have noticed definite shifts in me energetically and I feel much more at peace within myself. I feel more balanced and have an overall better outlook on life. After a tuning I feel lighter, recharged and invigorated, very much the same as after I get a deep tissue massage. Cat’s tunings have also brought me emotional and physical relief. They led me to reflect on and move through some of my past trauma that I didn’t even realize I was still holding on to. The tunings also helped guide me through some ancestral healing. In connecting with my ancestors I was able to both thank them and forgive them, freeing myself of the unresolved issues and struggles that have been passed down to me. Cat has such a calm, warm and welcoming presence and she is very attentive and accommodating to my needs.

I cannot thank Cat enough for what she has done to help me get my life back, she is a truly compassionate and knowledgable healer, and I look forward to continuing my healing journey with her.

Maria Clarino

Organic Landscaper & Jewelry Artist, Oak and Thorn Jewelry